Ethical Considerations In Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting analysis, also known as graphology, is the study and analysis of handwriting to assess personality traits, abilities, and aptitudes. The practice dates back to the ancient Chinese, Greeks, and Romans, but became especially popular in the late 19th century.[1] Though controversial, many employers, schools, and agencies have used handwriting analysis to screen applicants and make hiring or admissions decisions.
Using handwriting analysis raises important ethical considerations. Analysts have a duty to obtain consent, maintain confidentiality, provide accurate results, avoid conflicts of interest, and uphold legal standards. Analysis should be conducted and applied fairly, avoiding discrimination. This article will explore key ethical issues and debates around using handwriting analysis.
Obtaining Consent
One of the most important ethical considerations in handwriting analysis is obtaining informed consent from the subject. The analyst should clearly explain to the individual how the analysis of their handwriting will be used and for what purpose (e.g. pre-employment screening, personality profiling, etc.). The subject must freely give their consent to participate, without coercion or pressure. As Koehn (2005) argues, handwriting analysis should not be done without consent.
The analyst should provide the subject with enough information to make an informed decision about participating. This includes explaining the types of assessments that will be made, such as analyses of personality traits and aptitudes. The subject should be informed upfront who will have access to the results. The individual must be given the right to review the findings and analysis if they wish. Most importantly, the subject must clearly understand that participation is voluntary and they can decline at any time without repercussion.
Maintaining Confidentiality
Handwriting analysts must take steps to protect the identity and private information of the individuals whose writing they analyze. According to the Code of Ethics from the Handwriting Analysis Certification Board, analysts should “maintain confidentiality of the client’s identity and content of the consultation” [1]. This means only reporting relevant personality traits and avoiding disclosure of any identifying details without the subject’s consent.
Analysts should also securely store any handwriting samples to prevent unauthorized access. One study from St. Thomas University cautions that handwriting analysis may reveal private medical information, like the early stages of multiple sclerosis, that candidates may not disclose during a job interview. Therefore, analysts must be extremely careful to maintain confidentiality [2].
Avoiding Deception
Handwriting analysts must not imply that their analysis is 100% accurate. According to the Detecting Deception: Handwriting Analysis article, while handwriting analysis can indicate tendencies, it is not an exact science. Analysts should clearly state their credentials and level of training upfront so as not to misrepresent their abilities. They must not use pressure tactics implying their analysis is infallible or guaranteed to reveal deception. Handwriting analysis should be presented as an additional data point, not definitive proof.
Providing an Accurate Analysis
When conducting a handwriting analysis, it is important to stick to traits that have empirical evidence supporting them. According to a 2022 study published in PNAS, accuracy rates for forensic handwriting analysis can be quite high when examiners have proper training and utilize an appropriate methodology ( However, it is vital to acknowledge the limitations of handwriting analysis. Sweeping generalizations about personality based on isolated traits should be avoided, as the Scientific American article notes that context is key ( A balanced, nuanced analysis based on empirically-validated principles is essential for an ethical handwriting expert.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Handwriting analysts should avoid situations that could lead to conflicts of interest. For example, they should decline requests to analyze handwriting if they have a personal or financial relationship with any of the involved parties that could influence their analysis or conclusions ( Disclosing potential incentives or biases upfront promotes transparency and allows others to take that into consideration when evaluating the analysis.
Analysts should also disclose if they have any financial, professional or personal motivations that could impact their findings, such as being paid for a favorable result or having a relationship with someone who benefits from a certain conclusion. Being upfront about potential conflicts of interest allows consumers of the analysis to make their own determinations about its objectivity and credibility.
Respecting Diversity
When analyzing handwriting, it’s important to avoid making assumptions or judgments based on a person’s demographics such as gender, race, age, or cultural background. Handwriting analysts should be cautious of confirmation bias and avoid stereotyping groups. For example, generalizing that all women have “rounder” writing versus all men having “sharp” writing oversimplifies individual variation.
Cultural context is also key. Traits considered positive in one culture may have a different meaning elsewhere. The crowded style of Chinese calligraphy is seen as sophisticated, while large Western script can signal an outgoing nature. Regional styles like the heavily looped Palmer method taught in 20th century American schools also influence handwriting. During analysis, cultural origins should be considered before assigning personality characteristics.
Overall, analysts should focus their evaluations on the individual and be aware of their own inherent biases. Respect demands an open mindset and avoiding prejudiced assumptions. As expressed by the International Graphoanalysis Society Code of Ethics, analysts must “continually pursue knowledge and skills to avoid discrimination.” By staying sensitive to diversity, analysts can provide each client an ethical, tailored assessment.
Upholding Legal Standards
Handwriting analysts must understand the laws related to the use of handwriting evidence in legal proceedings. While handwriting analysis can provide useful insights, analysts should be careful not to overstate the validity of their findings.
According to the Federal Rules of Evidence, handwriting analysis is generally admissible as demonstrative evidence, but not as scientific evidence with a measurable error rate (Source). The admissibility is determined on a case-by-case basis by the presiding judge.
Some key considerations for upholding legal standards include:
- Clearly communicating the limitations of handwriting analysis
- Not claiming 100% certainty about conclusions
- Sticking to observable features in the handwriting, rather than making medical or psychological diagnoses
By maintaining ethical practices and understanding the applicable laws, handwriting analysts can ensure their work meets all legal standards.
Promoting Fairness
Handwriting analysts should be careful not to make unwarranted assumptions or judgments about an individual’s character or abilities based on their handwriting. As stated in the article The Legal and Ethical Pros & Cons of Using Handwriting Analysis, handwriting analysis should focus on analyzing the writing itself, not judging the writer. Analysts should describe handwriting traits objectively without imposing their own biases or assumptions. For example, an analyst should avoid saying someone is “disorganized” or “careless” based on their writing and instead use neutral language to describe characteristics like inconsistent letter spacing or variable slant.
Additionally, analysts should not make definitive conclusions about a person’s aptitude, personality, honesty or other attributes solely from handwriting analysis according to the principles of fairness and ethics. The role of the analyst is to uncover insights into how a person writes, not who they are as a human being. Maintaining this distinction allows handwriting analysis to be used constructively and ethically.
In conclusion, there are several important ethical obligations for handwriting analysts to uphold. This includes obtaining consent, maintaining confidentiality, avoiding deception, providing accurate analysis, avoiding conflicts of interest, respecting diversity, upholding legal standards, promoting fairness, and establishing credibility. Handwriting analysis can be a powerful tool when practiced ethically and responsibly. Adhering to ethical guidelines helps establish trust between the analyst and the individual, leading to more meaningful insights. Overall, a focus on ethics is critical for handwriting analysts to build their reputation, demonstrate expertise, and deliver genuine value to clients.