Common Traits In Handwriting Analysis And Their Interpretations
Handwriting analysis has a long history going back hundreds of years. The first known handwriting analysis text dates back to the 16th century in Italy, written by Camillo Baldi (The History of Handwriting Analysis, Since then, graphology or handwriting analysis has been studied and practiced as a way to assess personality traits based on how someone writes.
In handwriting analysis, trained experts examine the physical characteristics and patterns in a person’s handwriting, including things like the size and slant of the writing, the shapes of letters, the amount of space between words, and the amount of pressure used when writing. By analyzing these and other attributes, graphologists attempt to create a personality profile of the writer.
Though sometimes controversial, many graphologists believe handwriting can provide insight into psychological aspects like emotional stability, creativity, self-confidence, and motivations. When done by certified experts, handwriting analysis is thought to reveal aspects of an individual’s personality that may not be obvious through other means.
Size of Handwriting
The size of a person’s handwriting can provide insight into how they want to be perceived by others. As explained by, “Large letters mean you are outgoing, people-oriented, outspoken and love attention. This can also mean that you put up a front and pretend to be bigger than you really are.”
In contrast, small handwriting tends to indicate shyness and introspection. According to, “Small writing refers to one who is meticulous, detailed oriented, modest, shy, introverted, studious and reserved.” The size of writing is not fixed, however, and can change depending on circumstances.
Overall, the size of handwriting provides clues about self-image and personality orientation. Larger writing correlates with extroversion and a desire to be noticed, while small writing reflects introversion and reticence. As noted by, “If you write using larger letters, you probably enjoy being the center of attention, while tiny handwriting could mean you’re introverted, meticulous, and shy.”
Slant of Handwriting
The slant of someone’s handwriting can provide insights into their personality, emotions, and how they relate to others. A right slant suggests confidence, spontaneity, and being outgoing. According to the article What your handwriting reveals about you, a right slant indicates optimism, self-assurance, and extroversion. The blog post What Does Your Handwriting Say About You? notes that right slants are associated with being responsive, emotive, and open to new experiences.
In contrast, a left slant may indicate feelings of depression, anxiety, introspection and being reserved or private. The article in The Economic Times suggests a left slant reflects pessimism and defensiveness. According to the blog post from, left slants are related to enjoying working independently and preferring solitary activities. However, an extreme left slant may signal emotional isolation.
A variable slant, switching between left and right, can signify moodiness, sensitivity, and adaptability. This type of slant points to someone whose personality and emotions fluctuate. The blog Cards Direct notes variable slants may indicate an enthusiastic yet cautious nature. Overall, slant reveals aspects of a person’s outlook, sociability, and emotional landscape.
Spacing Between Letters
The space between letters in handwriting can provide insight into a person’s use of space and need for boundaries with others. According to the source Morettian Graphology: ยป Spacing between letters, tight letter spacing may indicate a desire for closeness with others and discomfort with too much personal space. On the other hand, wide letter spacing shows a need for defined boundaries and distance in relationships.
An author with tight letter spacing may feel most comfortable collaborating closely with others, while one with wide letter spacing thrives when given adequate personal space. As the source Spacing between words: What it means notes, the spacing between letters demonstrates how much distance you want to keep from those around you.
Extremely wide or narrow spacing could signal relationship challenges. However, normal variations in letter spacing are common and simply suggest personal preferences for closeness versus space in interactions. With insight into these tendencies, people can better understand themselves and effectively collaborate.
Spacing Between Words
The spacing between words in handwriting can reveal a lot about a person’s thinking process and use of empty space. Those who leave wide gaps between words are often independent, cautious, and reserved ( Wide word spacing shows a comfort with empty space on the page and a slower, more methodical thought process. These writers are in no rush and carefully consider each word choice.
In contrast, people who write words very close together tend to be anxious, easily stressed, and have racing thoughts ( Close word spacing demonstrates discomfort with empty space on the page and a hurried thought process. These writers often feel compelled to fill every bit of blank space and move quickly from one word to the next.
Pressure and Pen Strokes
The amount of pressure exerted while writing can provide insight into a person’s emotions, energy levels, and health. Those who press down hard on the page typically have intense feelings and express themselves forcefully. According to Write Choice, “the heavier the pressure, the more enduring the feelings, and higher the emotions.” This heavy pressure indicates someone who is energetic and puts their full effort into whatever they do (Source).
In contrast, light pressure can signify a sensitive, empathetic, and cautious nature. The Indian Express notes people who use light pressure “do not want to injure others and are diplomatic in putting forth their views.” Their feelings are changeable rather than enduring. Light pressure may also reflect low energy, anxiety, poor health, or lack of self-confidence (Source).
Very heavy pressure to the point of tearing the paper demonstrates extremely intense emotions. Moderately heavy pressure is typical for outgoing, dynamic personalities. Medium pressure is common for well-adjusted individuals. So pressure provides clues about a writer’s inner life and vitality.
Cursive vs Print
The choice of writing in cursive versus print can reveal aspects of a person’s personality. Cursive writing features letters that connect together in a flowing, curved style. This curled and seamless style is thought to reflect creativity, emotional expression, imagination, and interpersonal attachment (Source).
In contrast, print writing features separate, discrete letters constructed in a linear fashion. This structured style points to logic, rational thinking, and independence (Source). Print writers may prefer straightforward communication rather than artistic expression.
Studies show children who learn cursive instead of print writing score higher on reading and spelling tests. The fluid motion of cursive activates areas of the brain involved in thinking, language, and working memory more so than print (Source). However, both styles have their merits in developing motor skills and promoting cognitive development.
Signature Analysis
Analyzing someone’s signature can provide interesting clues about aspects of their personality, including their self-image, ego, confidence levels, and emphasis on status or titles.
Signatures with large, expansive writing tend to indicate the writer has a strong sense of self-importance and wants to convey status or dominance. As explained on the Science of People website, “The writer wants to take up as much space as possible” (
Signatures written with heavy pressure also often reflect a strong ego or emphasis on status. According to Jagran Josh, “Heavy pressure indicates that the person is opinionated and strongly believes in exhibiting power” (
Ascending signatures that rise up towards the end demonstrate optimism and confidence. In contrast, descending signatures that slope downwards reveal pessimism and lower confidence, based on analysis on the Artlogo blog (
Underlined signatures often reflect a strong emphasis on status and recognition. As explained by Artlogo, “These individuals are driven by a need for status and thrive in positions of authority like judges, doctors, and CEOs” (
In summary, subtle aspects of a signature can reveal insights into someone’s self-image, ego, confidence levels, and desire for status or authority.
Disguised Handwriting
Disguised handwriting refers to when someone deliberately alters their natural handwriting style to conceal their identity (Harris). People may disguise their handwriting for various psychological reasons related to self-image, secrecy, and insecurity.
Those who disguise their writing often have an unstable sense of self or weak self-image. They may lack confidence in presenting their true identity or handwriting style. Disguising one’s natural writing can be a way to protect a fragile self-concept.
The act of disguising handwriting can also stem from a desire for secrecy or deception. People may alter their writing style when doing something illicit to avoid being identified. This links to feelings of insecurity about having their true identity discovered.
Overall, the reasons behind disguising handwriting tend to be rooted in internal psychological factors like poor self-image, the need for secrecy, and insecurity about presenting one’s true self. The disguise reflects inner vulnerabilities rather than simply being an attempt to forge another’s writing style.
Handwriting analysis can reveal useful insight into an individual’s personality, thinking style, and emotional state if done ethically and with an understanding of its limitations. However, it is important to keep in mind that handwriting analysis should never be used as the sole judge of someone’s character.
Some key learnings are that size of handwriting can indicate extroversion or introversion, slant reveals emotional responsiveness, spacing shows thinking style, pressure indicates energy levels, and signature specifics reflect personal confidence. However, exceptions frequently occur, and analysis should be viewed as supplementary information rather than concrete fact about someone.
Handwriting analysis has limitations in its subjectivity and lack of rigorous scientific testing on its validity and reliability. The analysis can be swayed by the interpreter’s own biases and should not be used to make major decisions about a person’s character or actions. There are also differences between natural handwriting versus requested samples.
Further research could help establish stronger empirical support for graphology’s methods and interpretations. Controlled experiments on a diversity of individuals comparing analysis to tests of personality traits could shed more light. But for now, handwriting analysis remains an inexact pseudoscience that requires ethical usage and an understanding of its restricted role in assessing personality.